Mr Paramedic offers professional tutoring for undergraduate paramedic students in all areas of Paramedic studies.
Our tutors specialise in scenario-based training to prepare students for their end-of-term simulation examinations and Graduate-entry assessment days. Mr Paramedic tutors are experienced in mentoring university paramedics during on-road placements and help students achieve their best results. Our tutors tailor their sessions to the students' specific needs, including, 12 lead ECG interpretation, drug calculations and specific curriculum scenarios.
Tutoring services and pricing packages are available for group and 1:1 scenarios.
We offer these tutor sessions via online mode through zoom.
The cost for a two-hour tutoring session is $299.
You can arrange a group for these sessions with a maximum of six students. If you book multiple sessions, you will qualify for our loyalty discounts.
For more information about our tutoring services please get in touch - 0400 019 158 or email